Pattern Scribe

A system for electronically recording scores in AMA Pattern and F3A radio control aerobatic competitions


The Pattern Scribe is a system of hardware controllers for use by judges in an AMA Pattern or FAI F3A competition for radio control model airplanes. Working in conjunction with the MasterScoring scoring program, it elimitates the need for judges to write scores on paper, and for a person to carry scoresheets from the judges to the scorekeeper for manual entry in MasterScoring.

Using the pattern scribe, judges enter their scores in real time on an Android device utilizing a game controller with physical buttons. The scores are immediately sent over wifi to the scoring computer, and reflected on the scoreboard. No manual entry is required, reducing the effort required to score a contest, and eliminating errors on score entry.

Quick Start

Acquire Controller Hardware

Though any Android device with Android version 11 or higher should work, the NUU A23 Plus (~$80) has been used exclusively to date.

As well, other game controllers may work, but the Backbone One (~$100) has been used exclusively so far. (Make sure it's the USB-C version)

Connect Devices to WiFi

Connect the Android device to the same WiFi network the scoring computer is on.

Install and Configure JudgeApp

Install the JudgeApp Android application by pointing the device's browser to the scoring computer.

Configure the JudgeApp to talk to the scoring computer.

See the manual for detailed instructions on the installation process.

Instruction Manual


Scorekeepers get a dashboard with a series of screens to monitor the controllers in realtime.

See contest information obtained from MasterScoring, including any updates to the contest configuration in the MasterScoring program as they happen.

Watch scores live as they are submitted by judges on the flight line.

Monitor scores submitted by each judge, for each pilot, in each round, to detect any scoring issues early.